My first full collection of poems published by Cinnamon press, 80pp, available to purchase here. These poems cover a range of subjects, from the dislocations of business travel through to wind farms and electricity pylons, although my father’s failing health looms large in the middle section. The central sequence, ‘Father lost lost’ was highly commended in the single poem category by the Forward judges and included in the Forward Prize Anthology 2015.
“Intermittent beings is a collection punctuated by presences and abscences….the poet’s eye ranging intelligently from the personal….to the outward world, in all its complexity. I appreciated this book, and I look forward to reading more from McEwen.” Kathryn Gray in Magma
“…any book calling its final page of end-notes ‘Rip Offs and Excuses’ is already half way there, and if the poems go on to reveal a similar disregard for nicer conventions I won’t be disappointed. These do more, behaving like sprung traps: deceptive and set for a purpose.” John Forth in London Grip. Link to full review
Available from Cinnamon Press – here.
Meanwhile, if you want some idea of what the book contains here are some poems that are included in it: Our Lady of the Pylons.