mouth formed thought formed mouth formed thought mouth formed

Look it’s a Book

It’s here! Copies of my new book from Cinnamon arrived this morning. Now I know this is not the end of the process – to wax Churchillian it might just count as the end of the beginning – but I’m enjoying it all the same. It’s pretty much twelve months since the manuscript was finished and the most recent poem in it is from early 2012, so it is a little like opening the drafting drawer again. I’m pleased to say I don’t feel worried by the contents. I can still find enough poems that I really want to read in public even though there is that odd feeling of meeting a former self in some of them.

Intermittent Beings CoverWe’ve got a fair few launch events lined up. The first and biggest (in terms of room capacity – so let’s hope audience too) is in Bedford on 10th Oct – 7.30pm-9.0pm at Bedford Modern School. I’m also reading in company with others at CB1 in Cambridge on the 24th of October. Anyone around Bedford who wants a slightly longer introduction and discussion can see me on 14th November at the ‘Poetry Lunchbox’ event in Frescoes (contact Dick Hancock to reserve a seat). We will be doing a London Launch at the Poetry Cafe on the 25th of November in the evening. …and of course if you are looking for a spare poet to fill a slot in a reading schedule let me know!